"All right, ladies, try to listen without so many verbal approvals. We want to stay on schedule today. Today we are going to address the all important subject “Why Did The very intelligent and well meaning Chicken, our dear sister, Henrietta, Cross The mysterious and otherwise notorious Road?"
"I think we should begin by introducing our friend and then tell her story. Henrietta, welcome!" (Much Cackling) "Tell us who you are and what your problem is."
"Let’s do some research. This morning began simply as they always do. I assume everyone laid their eggs on schedule? Good! Then we know it wasn’t that. Following the gathering by our caretaker, did anyone miss breakfast? No? Well good then. It wasn’t that either."
"Oh yes then the caretaker came back off schedule. That is the first thing that went wrong. He came down
I was extremely offended, so I ran out the pen gap while the caretaker was looking the other way and…I…crossed the road...twice.
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