Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pastured Turkey

Few foods surpass the
Flavor of a fresh young chickens and
Turkey - direct off the farm...

We specialize in growing pastured poultry– chickens and turkeys that are at “Home on the Range”…!

Our birds do not merely have access to the outdoors; they are truly pastured and truly ranged. This is done by using portable shelters and portable feeders. Moving them daily or more often if needed! Keeps them clean and constantly on quality pasture. The ingestion of greens is greatly enhanced by the frequent moves.

Along with the pasture and fresh water the turkeys are fed a complete grain ration. (Ad labium)

1 comment:

Balzer said...

Go Lenz Family. It is always refreshing and interesting to hear how things are 'growing' on the Six Arrow Farm. Keep up the good work. The Balzer Family missing 'the farm life'