Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Tribute to Sven
(A cat)

"Alas, how the mighty have fallen!
The prince of the Lenz residence brought low.
He was feared by all pests
But loved by his masters,
He was Sven, the lord of the shed.

His eyes were like flaming emeralds,
His teeth like daggers, his claws scimitars,
The muscles of his body rippled with power
Beneath a luxurious coat of fiery blond,
All his enemies knew and feared his lion-like tread.

Weep, kitties, weep! The father of a nation,
The last of the proud race of Hon-ites
Struck down at the height of his glory
By the cold hard undercarriage of a car,
Never to return to his great halls again.

Alas, how the mighty have fallen!
The prince of the Lenz residence brought low,
He will be remembered with love by his own
And as his progeny rise up in his place
He will never be forgotten, Sven, the lion of his race."
~ Garrison Lenz
(posted with permission by Aubrey Lenz)
dedicated to Sven's youngest offspring: Pancake, Hamburger and Pattymelt