Itty Bitties!!! from Craig Lenz on Vimeo.
You may want to turn the volume down on this video! :o) The chicks were so excited when we put them in the brooder, their ecstatic "cheep, cheeping" was almost deafening. They have so many new things to discover just a few hours after hatching; how to dart about on two feet without toppling over, how to drink from the water trough without hopping in it, how to slurp up water and let it fall down their throats, how to find the heat lamp and huddle next to another chick if they are chilly, how to pick bits of grain and just the right amount of grit to digest their food and etc. They are truly masterfully designed and their delight and enthusiasm is thoroughly contagious to those of us who love to watch them! :o)
A Closer Look... from Craig Lenz on Vimeo.